17.30 – Some information about the Union.
Introduction and welcome, Viveka Sjögren, Chairman of the International Committee.
Ana Rahbari, Legal counsel: about the Union’s legal department, agreements, Swedish copyright and other topics.
Susanne Steneros, advisor: about our membership service, courses and other activities for our members.
18.00 – Buffet refreshments
18.20 – short introduction of ICORN and the Free Haven program by Alexandra Stiernspets Nylén from Fria Ordets Hus in Växjö.
Literary presentations by Iman al Ghafari, Jude Dibia, Housam al-Mosilli och Naeimeh Doustdar.
20.00 – Questions, discussions and more time to chat.
Members travelling from outside Stockholm can request a travel grant (500 SEK at most), upon submitting receipts or copy of the ticket.
RSVP to Ewa Ulander (, 08-545 132 07) before April 21.
About our guests
Iman al-Ghafari, Sigtuna/Syria, is an academic researcher, university professor and freelance writer. Her main interests are in gender and sexuality, particularly in the Arab culture. She holds a PhD in English Literature and Gender Studies and an MA in English from Cairo University, Egypt. Her PhD thesis focused on identity in the poetry of Sylvia Plath, and in her MA she studied expressionism and alienation in the poetry of T.S. Eliot. Al-Ghafari has written and published extensively, her work ranges from academic articles, to translations, poetry and short stories.
Jude Dibia, Malmö/Nigeria, is the author of various short stories and three well received novels: Walking with Shadows (BlackSands Books, 2005), Unbridled (2007), and Blackbird (2011). Walking with Shadows is said to be the first Nigerian novel that has a gay man as its central character, treating his experience with great insight, inviting a positive response to his situation. Dibia’s novels have been described as daring and controversial by readers and critics in and out of Africa. Unbridled went on to win the 2007 Ken Saro-Wiwa Prize for Prose and was a finalist in the 2007 Nigeria Prize for Literature. Jude is also a recipient of the 2016 Kulturpris administered by Natur & Kultur.
Housam al-Mosilli, Linköping/Syria, is a journalist, translator and poet. In his writings, al-Mosilli deals with political and human rights issues regarding the current situation in the Middle-East region, particularly the rise of extremism in northern Syria. Al-Mosilli continues to write a novel in Arabic, and a book on film and politics. As a journalist he continues to write political articles for magazines.
Naeimeh Doustdar, Malmö/Iran, is a journalist and writer who has received several national honours in Iran although much of her work has been nationally banned from publication. In 2009 Doostdar was imprisoned because of her blog and other journalistic writings. Since 2012 she lives in Malmö, and is currently responsible for the ICORN Free Haven writer in Malmö. Among other books she has published Blue Swedish for Nowruz: Short Stories from Sweden together with Azita Ghahreman and Nasrin Madani. She has written “Så småningom gick jag inte hem”, translated to Swedish, which is a collection of her works, Smockadoll publishing house, 2013.
Sveriges Författarförbund och Internationella Rådet hälsar varmt välkommen till en medlemskväll på engelska den 27 april på Författarnas Hus, Drottninggatan 88B i Stockholm.
17.30 – medlemsmöte på engelska.
Internationella Rådet hälsar välkommen genom Viveka Sjögren.
Ana Rahbari, jurist, informerar om Förbundets juridiska arbete, avtal och upphovsrätt.
Susanne Steneros, medlemsansvarig, informerar om Förbundets övriga verksamhet, förmåner och aktiviteter för medlemmarna.
18.00 – mingel med dryck och lättare buffé.
18.20 – Alexandra Stiernspets Nylén från Fria Ordets Hus i Växjö berättar kort om ICORN och fristadsfrågan.
Därefter välkomnar vi och lyssnar till uppläsningar av kvällens gäster: Iman al Ghafari, Jude Dibia, Housam al-Mosilli och Naeimeh Doustdar.
20.00 – tid för frågor och avrundning.
Ett resebidrag om högst 500 kronor mot uppvisat kvitto eller kopia på biljett, utgår för medlemmar som reser utanför Storstockholm.
Anmäl er till Ewa Ulander (, 08-545 132 07) senast den 21 april.